If you do not know anything about JSON, please, spend some time on learning JSON structure.

What is JSON?

JSON stands for

  • Java
  • Script
  • Object
  • Notation

N.B. Don't be scared. JSON is easy to learn and use! This is not a programming language!!!

JSON is data-storing format that easy to read and write for humans and robots.

  • key: value - this is key-value pair.
  • Key and value are separated with semicolon (:), no exceptions.
  • Multiple key-values are separated with comma (,), no exceptions.
  • Spaces and line breaks are ok till they not the part of key or value.
  • The key is always text inserted between double quotes (" ").
  • But value can be different types:
    • string - "sample text", "cool\nthings"
    • number - 42, -300, 6.62e-34
    • object - { "name": "Jason", "likes": ["apples", "oranges"] }
    • array - ["apple", "banana", "orange"], [1, true, 3, "meow"]
    • boolean - true, false
    • null - null

About strings

Strings can store any characters you want, but some of them need to be escaped:

  • double quote - \"
  • slash - \\
  • backslash - \/ (escaping is optional)
  • newline - \n (use this if you want to add newline to value)
  • carriage return - \r
  • horizontal tab - \t
  • backspace - \b
  • form feed - \f
  • unicode character - \uxxxx


  "name": "Pumpkin",
  "age": 7,
  "likes": [
    "sleeping in a garden",
  "appearance": "Orange Tabby",
  "owner_name": "Jane Doe",
  "phone_number": "+447712345678",
  "address": {
    "country": "England",
    "city": "London",
    "street": "Crown Street",
    "house": 38,
    "notes": null