Edit Webhook Message

Identically to sending messages with webhooks you can edit previously sent ones. For that you need to have message id which can be copied with right-clicking on the message and selecting Copy Message ID from context menu (Developer Mode has to be enabled in user settings). Alternatively, id can be retrieved from response after webhook sending request (wait=true has to be present in query).

  • Request URL is https://discord.com/api/webhooks/123/w3bh00k_t0k3n/messages/456, where 456 is message id.

  • Request verb has to be set to PATCH instead of POST.

  • Request body is identical to the one we use for sending, but you have to consider next things:

    • Not providing content and embeds won't remove them from message, for that you have to pass empty string ("content": "") and array ("embeds": []) respectively.
    • Attachments will be appended instead of replaced, to remove all attachments pass attachments with empty array in value ("attachments": []). If you want some of them to persist provide them in the same attachments array (attachment objects have to be retrieved from previous edit or send responses)

Discord API reference