1. Introduction
  2. JSON
  3. Discord Webhook
  4. Discord Webhook structure
  5. username
  6. avatar_url
  7. content
  8. embeds
    1. color
    2. author
    3. title
    4. url
    5. description
    6. fields
    7. image
    8. thumbnail
    9. footer
    10. timestamp
  9. tts
  10. allowed_mentions
  11. file
  12. Integrate with
  13. IFTTT
  14. IFTTT Platform / Filter Code
  15. Use with
  16. Postman
  17. Insomnia
  18. curl
  19. HTTPie
  20. Python
  21. Examples
  22. Spotify
  23. Twitch
  24. Reddit
  25. Twitter
  26. YouTube
  27. Additional info
  28. Edit Webhook Message
  29. Rate Limits
  30. Discord Markdown
  31. Slack formatting
  32. Field Limits
  33. Epilogue
  34. Contributing